How Planning Will Make 2015 a Great Year for Your Business
Why Business Planning for Designers is Fundamental to Success
As January draws to a close it may seem a little late to be devising a strategy for a successful 2015.
It’s never too late, however, to take the first steps if you haven’t already done so. It’s a bit like saying “I’ll start my diet next week” when in reality if you started tomorrow or even now, you’d be in much better shape.
We all do it, and by that I mean procrastinate.
When most of us think about a strategic plan we picture the kind of business plan that the bank wants when you take out a business loan. You know the type I mean, nice binding, good-looking cover, executive summary, index and as many sections as you think will fool the bank into lending your start-up business cash. (Don’t forget the 16 pages of appendices with your financial forecasts made up over a stiff whiskey or two and then revised over a sobering cup of coffee the next morning).
I’m thinking of some simple targets to set yourself for 2015 which will help you move your business forward in the direction you want to go.
Here are some basics:
Monthly financial targets, broken out into sales, expenses and profit;
Toys to buy, sorry I mean office and technology purchases (the new Mac/iPad/iPhone/camera …);
Personal development goals — don’t forget if you want your business to move forward you have to develop yourself and your staff to handle growth;
10 new clients to target in the first six months
15 new clients to target in the second six months of 2015;
Implementation and documentation of your fundamental business systems and processes;
Building your team, either by employing new staff, subcontracting or outsourcing additional work;
Developing a team of trusted advisers to help you manage and grow your business; mentors, coaches, professional accountant, lawyer, financial and insurance adviser.
I’d love to hear back from you if you have a plan for 2015 or if you don’t what has made it difficult to do.