Enable Business Consulting



  • Fewer than 33% of small businesses listed, actually sell.
  • Most owners do not have an Exit Plan.
  • Unrealistic expectations cause most offers to fall through.
  • Getting your business 'sale ready' before listing can make it more attractive.

Following 3 simple steps Will Create A Workable Exit Plan

Would you gamble on the roll of a dice with such a MASSIVE , potentially life changing event? Your future financial security could well depend on the sale going 'according to plan'. Now is the time to put the odds in your favour. 

 Give yourself time to make the necessary changes.

Now is the time to assess your business's sellability. Identify what changes need to be made and give yourself plenty of time to make them. You want to sell a turnkey operation, not a fixer upper to get top $$$ 

Selling a business is stressful. Set yourself up for an easier ride by being prepared. Have a step by step roadmap to guide you through the process,  eliminate the guesswork and make sure all your bases are covered.

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My name is Nick West

Nick West, Partner at Enable Business Consulting

I've helped entrepreneurs for over 30 years start, grow, finance and sell their businesses. From multimillion dollar construction companies to small artisan craft brewers, I've been lucky enough to work with a diverse and wonderful group of people.

I got into consulting through a quirk of fate. I trained as an engineer to join our family business only to see it sold as I was in my last year at college. So instead of working in my grandfathers business, I joined PriceWaterhouseCoopers in London (UK), the international accounting and consulting firm. I qualified as a Chartered Accountant and then went on to specialise in strategic planning and business development.

Helping growing clients buy businesses and others sell them made me realise how little information is out there, to help small business owners prepare for an exit.

I have used my professional expertise and over 3 decades of experience to build a program for a simpler way to plan your exit.

When not working I can be found outdoors, skiing, sailing and hiking or baking, mostly edible, sourdough breads on Canada's beautiful west coast which I now call home.

Don't Just Take
My Word For It

“Selling your business is a huge challenge and Nick makes everything so much more approachable."

"We’ve run our business for years and it’s been great, but we’re headed for retirement. When we decided to start the process of preparing our business for sale, we realized there were a lot of gaps in the knowledge we needed. We found that we didn't have the tools to manage our business in a way that would maximize processes around staffing, finances, and admin.

We wanted to make sure we could walk away from our business knowing our staff were empowered to take the reins (and able to take things off our plate in the meantime). Nick has made that possible.

Nick has been instrumental in helping us with the process. He holds us accountable, keeps us on track with our goals, and ensures all the checks and balances are in place. He has also made learning these processes attainable without overwhelming us. If we didn’t understand something, he would always take the time to explain it so we did. Selling your business is a huge challenge and Nick makes everything so much more approachable."

Karen HankinsKaren HankinsCo-Owner, Deans Marine

“Before working with Nick, I didn’t know where to start. He has helped me develop essential processes, think outside the box, build my dream team, and guide me in ways I never expected. I seriously don’t think there’s anything that has come up that he didn’t have amazing knowledge about. He’s a very experienced, knowledgeable consultant who truly cares about my vision and is dedicated to helping me achieve it.”

George KrahnGeorge KrahnOwner, E-Porter Inc

“Nick is an exceptional business strategist who is able to identify points of leverage to increase sales, reduce expenses and optimise existing resources. Any business looking for restructuring, whether a start-up or a mature business, will benefit exponentially from Nick's outstanding expertise, humour and collaboration skills as a business coach.”

Sandra BairdSandra BairdCEO, Smart Sisters Enterprises Inc

“Nick inspired us to closer examine our goals and to set out a game plan to achieve them. Everyone thinks they can set their goals on their own, but you really can't beat having an experienced business consultant sit down with you and help you map out the path to success. I can't recommend Nick enough!”

Jason HareJason HarePure Chiropractic
Thank You, we'll be in touch soon.

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